Top Hollywood Celebrities with no social pages (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) | News | FanPhobia - Celebrities Database

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Top Hollywood Celebrities with no social pages (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

Last Updated: April 18, 2014

21st Century is the age of social media and internet. There are tens of millions people using social media daily. People cannot imagine there life without Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Celebrities use social media to connect with their fans worldwide yet there are some celebrities who don’t use social media at all. The reasons they give is either fear or lack of interest. Here are some of the top celebrities who are forgiving social media.


The power couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie who are so daring that they even do stunts in movies themselves seems to be scared of social media. With Angelina saying

"I don't really know how to turn on a computer"

it is clear why the couple are so anti social media.

Jennifer Lawrence

The highest ranked and the second highest paid actress doesn’t use twitter or Instagram. When asked about the internet technology she said following in an interview to The Daily Beast last year.

Everybody was talking yesterday about Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr. It was really confusing me and overwhelming me. I literally started losing my breath. People were showing me these hilarious things and I was like—I want to have this. What’s Pinterest? I don’t have it. I know by the time I get it, it’ll be something else. I bought a CD case less than a year ago.


George Clooney

The American actor, film director, producer, and screenwriter who have three Golden Globe Awards and two Academy Awards in his kitty hate social media. He even said ‘If you're famous and on Twitter, you're a moron.’ Now after saying that he made clear that he has no intentions what so ever to join any social media.

He further explained for Brad Pitt and Mat Morgan as well that they wouldn’t join social media

I could easily say something stupid, and I also don’t think you need to be that available. I don’t see Matt [Damon] or Brad [Pitt] or myself wanting to get our thoughts out in a 140-character-thing at 3 in the morning.

Tina Fey

The gorgeous American actress known for her work on the NBC sketch comedy  thinks that although she doesn’t use twitter but she looks at other peoples tweets. She thinks twitter should be allowed to people after getting license for it. She said;

I have never used it. I do look at other people's Twitter things  sometimes. Here's what I think about Twitter. I think you should have to get a license to use Twitter. Because most people are so f***ing boring that they should shut up.

Julia Roberts

The 46 years old recent Oscar winning actress would never be on any social media as she cleared in an interview that it’s like an addiction so she is happy away from it. She said. 

It's kind of like cotton candy: It looks so appealing, and you just  can't resist getting in there, and then you just end up with sticky fingers, and it  lasted an instant.

Bradley Cooper

The popular hunk famous for The Hangover Trilogy is scared that his tweets will affect his fans love toward him. He said

It’s a great way to promote ideas and projects. For me, maybe I’m old fashioned, if I know so much about you and you’re playing a character in a movie then that’s a lot of work I’m gonna have to do to forget who you are so that I can believe the character and therefore enjoy the movie. 

May be his view is right but the fans will definitely want to see him on twitter and Instagram.

Scarlett Johansson

The Beautiful actress who was a part of blockbusters like The Avengers, Iron Man 2, The Prestige and Captain America- The Winter Soldier recently is not interested in social media at all. She cleared her lack of interest in social media and said she doesn’t have any plan to join twitter or Instagram.

Daniel Radcliffe

The Harry Potter star thinks that being on social media means he has to compromise his privacy which he cannot. In an interview with Sky News, the actor said,

If you go on Twitter and tell everybody what you’re doing moment to moment and then claim you want a private life, then no one is going to take that request seriously.

Chris Hemsworth

Like Daniel Chris also thinks his privacy will be compromised if he would be on social media. He said;

"there’s a danger of being overexposed with that stuff," adding, "The mystery of who you are is what keeps people interested in wanting to see you on the screen." The Thor star also said that he'd rather be hanging out with his family than "updating to people I don’t know about what I had for lunch."

Kristen Stewart

Who you think was harshest among all above on social media? Tina Fey or George Clooney. Please decide after reading what the stunning beauty from twilight said about twitter. She said;

"Twitter f**ks me over every day of my life. Because people go, ‘I’m sitting next to Kristen Stewart right now,’ and then [the paparazzi] show up." She went on: "I see people on their phones, and I just want to take these cookies and throw them. It’s like ‘Get off your f**king phone, and get a life!’ I get so mad. It’s like you’re trampling on someone’s life without any regard. And it’s rampant. Everyone can do it now. Buy a camera, and you’re paparazzi; get a Twitter account, and you’re an informant. It’s so annoying."


mohdabid posted 3752 days ago

well said Daniel Radcliffe